South Melbourne in numbers:


People voting


Median age


Single occupant households


Residents born overseas

About South Melbourne ward

I believe there’s no better place to live, work or visit than South Melbourne, with its diverse and vibrant inner-city community. Our popular cafes, shops, market, parks and nearby beaches compete with the best in the world.

With nearly 30% growth in population expected in South Melbourne ward by 2041, there are challenges that inevitably come with this.

Click here – for more information on South Melbourne.

I’m running because we need to elect a Councillor who can properly represent South Melbourne on Council and bring together very different people in our ward to action progressive change.

Healthy Robust Communities

This means embracing our diversity, celebrating our great community and taking care of those in need. I advocate for vulnerable people such as patients with complex health needs, our elderly, children, those impacted by family violence, immigrants/expats and people living with a disability and mental health challenges. Life can be tough. We need strong communities that care, show compassion and help to make people feel safe and secure – to lift them up during the hard times.



  • Protect people who need support in a cost of living crisis
  • Seek improvements to social and affordable housing/renting without disrupting the lives of current residents
  • Work on having safer streets – and homes – to ensure residents and visitors feel at ease when in South Melbourne
  • Invest in our community childcare, aged care, disability services and libraries
  • Work on our Town Hall being an area of community gathering ensuring local residents have access to it while in use by ANAM
  • Foster vibrant Arts, culture and recreational sporting communities
  • Embrace diversity and multiculturalism
  • Support residents with understanding Council Services and changes in South Melbourne

Thriving local businesses

This means supporting local businesses to prosper. We must work together to fuel the local economy and attract domestic and international visitors – our customers. I will champion innovative policy solutions to address business challenges. It’s about making sure South Melbourne has the right projects in place to support businesses. This delivers value back to the community through busy, well-planned and safer streets.



  • Ensure South Melbourne gets our fair share of Council funding
  • Continue with the revitalisation of Clarendon Street precinct and the proposed new Arts precinct at Town Hall making sure residents have access to enjoy it
  • Support South Melbourne Market as a key attraction
  • Improve walking, cycling and public transport flow to connect South Melbourne to ANZAC station, Port Phillip and the rest of Melbourne
  • Strive for the completion of the Park Street tram link
  • Work with Public Transport Victoria to encourage Grand Prix patrons to spend money in South Melbourne
  • Support workers in South Melbourne

Sustainable future

This means protecting and developing our green spaces, investing in the right infrastructure, keeping our streets clean and rising together to meet the urgent challenge of climate change. Change is not always easy, but we must act now and do the right things to protect and regenerate our local ecosystems for the generations to follow – our children deserve it and so do our furry and acquatic friends.



  • Support local climate action and the Port Phillip Climate Emergency Action Plan
  • Focus on cleaner, greener streets and the sustainable groups who are working hard to make it happen
  • Innovate to reduce, reuse and recycle waste
  • Improve access to appropriate off leash dog parks for dog owners without affecting amenity of local residents
  • Expand car share spaces and EV charging stations
  • Support urban reforestation to reduce our footprint
  • Seek a gradual increase in population density without impacting the area’s wonderful heritage

